crema workshops

Functional Programming in Scala

Speaker: John De Goes

Functional Programming, Scala

Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 9:00 to 17:30
Atttendees: 20

Functional programming is becoming increasingly widespread in the software industry. This trend is driven by the adoption of Scala as the main programming language for many applications. Scala fuses functional and object-oriented programming in a practical package. It interoperates seamlessly with both Java and Javascript. Scala is the implementation language of many important frameworks, including Apache Spark, Kafka, and Akka. 

CQRS/Event Sourcing

Speaker: Greg Young

CQRS/Event Sourcing

Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 9:00 to 17:00
Atttendees: 30

Would you like to learn all about system building and architectures with Domain Driven Design? Join this course on CQRS, Domain Events, Event Sourcing and how to apply DDD, authored by Greg Young.

canela workshops

Time-Series Analysis

Speaker: Zach Zimmerman
Speaker: The Shapelets Team

Time-Series algorithms, Parallel Computing, Distributed Systems


Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 9:00 to 13:30
Atttendees: 30

Time-series analysis has been studied extensively in the past but it has been recently receiving significant attention in the academic and software development community.

In sectors where time is not just a metric but a primary axis such as IoT, finance, energy, retail industry, etc. it is starting to be clear the value out of the insights that can be gained from time series data.

Using Time Series for gathering IoT Data

Speaker: David G. Simmons

IoT, Time-Series

Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 3:00 to 6.00 pm
Atttendees: 30

While most of the focus in the media around the Internet of Things has been around the number of IoT devices that will be connected in the coming years, what is often overlooked is that each of these devices will produce a number of data streams which must be managed. Since IoT data is, almost by definition, Time Series Data, we will look at how to efficiently ingest, store, manage, and analyze such data streams.

Bleeding Edge Technology: Interactive Hands On Labs with international top specialists

Speaker: Arno Schots

Blockchain, Containers, Serverless, Machine Learning, Microservices, Augmented Reality, Chatbots, Low Code Platforms.

Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th 9.00a.m. - 17.30p.m.
Atttendees: 30

This workshop is aiming at giving attendees the opportunities to get a quick overview and hands-on experience on many of the emerging and trending technologies. Attendees will work in small groups on hand on labs, facilitated and supported by leading international technology experts. During this day you will have the chance to drive your own agenda based on your interests. You can also contact us before the event to let us know your expectations - just write to - and we’ll follow up, so you’ll get the most out of this day.

Istio Service Mesh

Speaker: Alex Soto

Microservices, Service Mesh

Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 3:00 to 6.00 pm
Atttendees: 30

The first generation of microservices was primarily shaped by Netflix OSS and leveraged by numerous Spring Cloud annotations all throughout your business logic. The next generation of microservices will leverage sidecars and a service mesh. In this session, we will give you a taste of Envoy and Istio, two open source projects that will change the way you write distributed Java applications on Kubernetes. Check out how we use Envoy and Istio to deal with traffic shaping, network fault-injection, A/B testing, dark launches, mirroring, and much more.

From Zero to Reactive Hero (or Reactive Programming for Java Devs)

Speaker: Oleh Dokuka

Reactive Programming

Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 9:00 to 17:30
Atttendees: 30

This workshop is aimed at the developers that don’t have any experience with reactive programming but have a willingness to learn more about Reactive Programming in Java.

Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning

Speaker: Ghida Ibrahim

Data Science, Machine Learning


Hours/Date: Wednesday 15th From 9:00 to 15:00
Atttendees: 30

This workshop aims to give attendees a detailed introduction to data science and machine learning and to leave them in a state where they can learn on their own.


Palacio de Congresos de Marbella,
Calle José Meliá, 2,
Marbella, Spain
15TH - 17TH MAY 2019

Take a look to previous editions